No~one and no~thing is against you ✨
You can only imagine it to be so ✨
Co~creating your believed reality ✨
You are not against any~one or any~thing ✨
We are simply fighting our own demons ✨
Those frozen parts of ourselves we’ve been ignoring, criticizing and suppressing ✨ Un~touched by forgiveness ✨
Just know that it is safe to feel your anger ✨
It is safe to feel your fear ✨
It is safe to feel your sadness ✨
You will not die from feeling what you’re feeling ✨
In fact we will heal our entire human collective, allowing our natural feelings to be felt ✨
Allowing our feelings to breath ✨
Celebrating the raw power and life force of our feelings, as they are ✨
There’s no excuse to not fall completely in love with right now ✨
Notice what is ✨
It’s all perfect, whole, complete and beautiful, as it is ✨
In this moment ✨
You're given your breath ✨
Breathing through you ✨
Not asking for anything in return ✨
It’s you ✨
It’s me ✨
It’s life ✨
We are held by life ✨
Life is given ✨
Every breath ✨
No~one and no~thing is against us ✨
We are One ✨
Breath ✨
Now ✨
Be ✨
Light Language Image created by @amaelthestarseed ✨