As many of you know, my Lotus Rides are usually announced a month in advance on my website, like today’s ride of jumping timelines ✨
Also, all the rides are completely open for last minute sign~ups, as you’ll receive a confirmation email with log~in details automatically at the moment of sign~up, but if you’d like to be notified beforehand, do feel free to subscribe to my occasional newsletters: ✨
Our next Lotus Ride will be Sunday the 13th of June, always at the same time, feel free to join us! I don’t know what we‘ll be diving into again next time, as every Lotus Ride is completely different and always guided by Source, but a deep experience is guaranteed ✨
Info & inscriptions (link in bio) at ✨
PS for the beautiful faces of those souls joining the Ride today in real time on this picture, please let me know if you feel any dissonance about me sharing this screenshot, I’ll take it down, no problem!
Thank you for your powerful presence ✨ By gathering in high vibrational groups and Being One together like today, we‘re changing our world into a space of Respect, Peace and Joy ✨
