I'm very excited to share the launching of my Light Language Transmission from the Great Pyramid of Egypt, co-created with my dear friends @trueidentitymusic Leo Melcherts Jr. (producer) and @maxharvey75 Max Harvey (design: https://www.earthheartsun.com ) ✨
Check out the Light Language Transmission here: https://trueidentity.nu/meditations.html
This upcoming blood moon is a super full moon with a lunar eclipse, which is creating a natural star~gate: a diamond portal. This intense energy holds high power, bursting open our inner-sight and illuminating us with higher possibilities ✨
The collective awakening of star-seeds, hybrids and light-workers around the globe, those of us who are actively engaged in co-creating a New Earth, are supported by these cosmic rays currently blasting our planet, as we're organically tapping into this ultra-light ray Fusion naturally activating our crystalline light-bodies ✨
Only a small number of souls is needed to harness these diamond, platinum and ultra-light rays: simply by being together, we are the Light of a new world ✨
Also, I’m happy to share with you yesterday's New Earth Gathering ✨ This gathering came through spontaneously from the connection and mutual intent from some of the active members of our Telegram group 'New Earth Now' ✨
You’re welcome to participate through this recording —> your energy will expand and enforce the work we’re doing, counter-balancing a new phenomenon called ‘shedding’. More info in the video here: https://youtu.be/-rDgK18ET3o
Feel free to join our New Earth Now group: https://t.me/NewEarthNow