I wish everyOne to be free from suffering ✨
I wish everyOne to be happy ✨
Sometimes these deeply felt wishes turn into a suffering for myself, when I feel powerless, hopeless, or not able to help to change the fate the majority of humanity is choosing today ✨
But when I travel back into myself, when I connect to our universal, inner Source, I remember again ✨ What I can offer to our beautiful world is my happiness ✨ Spreading my Isis wings and fly high and low in our Open, inner sky of eternal Awareness ✨
In the Sacred Temples of this present moment, I commit to activate my golden~diamond radiance for the benefit of all ✨
I was just thinking I must be doing something right in my practice 😅 I’m loving Life more and more every day! ✨
Total gratitude for the grand masters of our time ✨ past, present and future ✨ for the keepers of wisdom and the keepers of our Sacred Earth ✨ for each and every soul, being and entity ✨ being alive ✨
I celebrate you Being in this world ✨ I honour your path, your ways, your pain and your joy ✨
May we always continue to go beyond happiness and suffering ✨ May we always be helpful through the radiant love of our being ✨
By liberating my own being, may I benefit others ✨