In awe with Life after receiving a healing session with the divine Yulia @airyogaegypt here in Egypt, healing some of my most ancient wounds. Highly recommended! ✨
Healing humanity at the level of sacred sexuality is one of the most direct, fast and necessary paths for our collective at this time. A path where we fully surrender to the divinely orchestrated play of universal forces of destruction and creation, delicately balanced in true states of wholeness. Cutting through the core of illusion by welcoming pure innocence within wrathfulness, reverence within vulnerability, devotion within adoration, openness within pain and love within anger, leading Peace through lifetimes of dedication ✨
Divine connection is a continuous inner marriage, the universe breathing Life into a collective space of being and knowing beyond a doubt. Instantly manifesting all enlightened dynamics of a supreme real so intense, powerful, all pervasive, and ultimately shape~shifting, it can never be expressed nor perceived, neither observed nor even experienced, other than through the continuous stream of unfolding unity, the multiverses within multiverses we all birth as one in every breath ✨
Embracing meaningless suffering in the endless worlds of limited perceptions of self~service and separation, I now know that divine intelligence can and simply will swallow our little world to create another, and it’s a relief. The oceans of light breaking our Human Hearts wide open, will always be in union and beyond meaning. Chanting our bones and blood alive within our most sacred vessels; our physical body; our DNA; the ultimate gatekeepers of all known and unknown secret inner temples; eternal holders of endless multi~dimensional realities ✨
I completely desire to know that life is like a dream. To fully embody all individual and collective transformations through continuously changing my inner frequency levels. May pure awareness melt any stories, personalities and identities into one liquid, empty space beyond the elements, where all beings are eternally accepted, honored and deeply loved without question, including all of our wildness, craziness, confusion, struggles and mistakes ✨
